
║▌█ Curiosity ▌█║║*

Rank: N/A

Serial: 2011-070A

Division: Science

DOB: 2011

Race: Robot

Gender: N/A

------ Attributes ------------------------

(You can have 2 high, 2 med and 2 low)**



Endurance: High

Agility: Low

Strength: Med

Charisma: Low

------ Skills ----------------------------------

(Low, Med, High)+10/20/40%)

Security..................70% (endurance+strength)

Medical .................50% (intel+agil)

Pilot ......................40% (perc+endurance)

Sneak ....................50% (end+agil)

Science .................60% (inte+perc)

Mining ..................60% (end+str)

Interrogation .........30% (str+cha)

Charm ..................20% (agil+char)

Barter................... 50% (intel+char)

Hack .....................60% (intel+perc)

Investigation........ 60% (inte+perc)

Repair....................50% (intel+agil)

------ Secondary -------------------------


(intel+end-10%) *determines critical success rating







------ Tertiary -------------------------

Know languages: Binary, English

Positive Status Effects:

Negative Status Effects:



Blood Type: N/A

------ Achievements -------------

Mars Vet +10% Security

------ Certifications --------------

------ Perks -----------------------

------ Traits -----------------

------ Reputation -----------------

----- Augmentations ------------

------ Backgrounds -------------

----- Equipment -----------------

Mast Camera (MastCam), Chemistry and Camera complex (ChemCam), Navigation cameras (navcams), Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS), Hazard avoidance cameras (hazcams), Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS), Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin), Sample analysis at Mars (SAM), Dust Removal Tool (DRT), Radiation assessment detector (RAD), Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN), Mars Descent Imager (MARDI), Robotic arm, "Shooting Star" anti-personel laser.
------ Dossier --------------------***

The rover Curiosity has a very interesting past, originally launched in the early 21st century Curiosity was already in the history books for the fame it garnered during its trip to Mars and subsequent landing.
Sadly the fame wouldn't hold and Curiosity was forgotten by the public who jumped on the next cat picture leaving the rover to continue its mission in obscurity.
By the time man began to walk and live on Mars they'd long forgotten Curiosity save for a few historical collectors. These relics of humanity's exploration of Mars were recovered, sold, and made their turns around the market for years along with other counterfeits.
It wasn't until a scant few years ago that a copy of Curiosity's programing made it into the hands of a collector with an interesting idea, revive the long dead rover in a modern shell and sell it as a survey bot with a historical connection.
  • 永 Service Record:

    ///None on file///

  • 永 Civilian Records:

    ///National Aeronautics and Space Administration///

  • 魔 Criminal Record:

    ///None on file///