Outpost Statistics

║V║▌A║S █│C║


Oupost 15 networth: 53 billion credits (53.997.261.000)
Average Gross income: 5.5 billion a year
Life support 99%
Active Crew 10 (22154c)

Singularity Reactor +200eu
Solar panel Array +50eu

CIC 20eu
Briefing Room 10eu
Engineering Deck 10eu
Quartermaster Store 5eu
Main Deck 5eu
Medical Clinic 20eu
Thermonics 50eu
Residential L1-L8 35eu
Armory (L3) 10eu
Mess Hall 10eu
OOD Office 5eu
Brig 10eu
Airfield 30eu
(Power Output 210 energy units)

Research Credits: 12
Investigation Credits: 5

Corporate funding: +900.000c
Outpost Expenditures: -2.639.100c
+232.000 routed to science dep

Medical -160.000c
Security -850.000c
Science -250.000c +230k (4800.000)
Engineering 422.000c
Operations -7.550.000c
Comsec -198.000
Aviation -740.000c

Wounded: 2 (-200c) -400c
Surgeries: 1 (-2000c) -2000c

Shipping and receiving
Personal transports: 4 (-4000c) -1000c
Minerals Sold: 0
Search and Rescue: 1

*Static research, development, repairs and investigations will increase 5% gradually,

1st Quarter: October 1, 2nd Quarter: January 1,3rd Quarter: April 1,4th Quarter: July 1